Saturday, September 20, 2008

Getting my arms and shoulders ready for golf!!

We had a nice lunch with Nana and Grampa Waite at Hazeltine  (where Mama finally got Daddy the right Birthday present: tickets to the PGA next year!)  Yahoo.  i'll be able to walk the course then.....Maybe.  I don't want to disrupt Tiger!


Grama Hannah said...

Yes,sweet baby..gotta stretch those arms and open those shoulders up,like an angel,or a beautiful bird and easy,loose,long,strong !

Then,not only will you be great at your yoga, able to wrap your arms all the way around your body(giving yourself a huge hug,all the way to your spine!),strong and extended from 'killer' yoga poses...but your joints will be nice & open,ready for strong,crisp,straight-armed,beautifully controlled shots off the tee and around the course !

Great for hugging Mommy,Daddy,and all of us ....also for dancing with ,swimming,hugging, all the cute girls ALREADY getting your attention !!

They know a cutie,and a bright,fun boy when they see one!..and,by all the pics mom just posted,you have an eye for the girls too !

You've already got LOTS of cute friends,boys and girls ,that you play with..even share your CRIB with !
Good for you, you..we're going to swim class this weekend when I stay over,with one of your friends and Mama...we'll have some fun,yes !
kisses and hugs, Nana