Monday, April 21, 2008

Pacifier or No Pacifier???

Bunny is a big help holding in the soothie (we call it a BeBop).


Grama Hannah said...

...does just what it's designed to do...make baby happy,peaceful,content...yum-yum.

Do you have a favorite one,Kade, or a favorite type yet?

Maybe too early for that yet..just a comfy 'noing-noing' does the trick,all that matters right now.

If you're like your Mama,at some point,there will be only ONE kind that's 'good enough',does not get tossed or spit out,instantly..all others being 'inferior' for the 'Prince',as they became for 'Princess',Mama Sarah.

Something to look forward to,prob'ly not for a while yet.

Did Daddy have a favorite one too? ummm,it'll be fun to see if you do, and what kind...

Snuggles,sweetie...your Grama loves you sooo much,and both Grampa and I are delighted at how fast you're growing..doesn't seem like any 'catching up' to do anymore! That's so good.

More snuggles,sweet kisses,for sweet dreams this afternoon nap time..your Nana,Grama Waite