Sunday, January 20, 2008

Can you tell that Sarah is pregnant?

The bed is my favorite place to be! It's where i read all the good books about pregnancy and how to raise our baby.  I love to snuggle with Papa, put my feet up, heating pad on my back, rub my belly and dream about the future for as much time as life will allow.  I savor nap time in between classes and taking care of the studio.  I sure hope Kade is as good a sleeper as Mommy!! 

I just love this belly!


Grama Hannah said...

It's so wonderful how you've enjoyed your pregnancy,Sarah ! We've been so happy for you thru-out...and you and Todd both seemed to have so much fun together,as well as getting everything ready for your little one !
You're going to be great parents !
And we are so happy for you both !
Love,Mom and Tom