Ok, real quick, mommy has to talk about some of the things that we just loved about Kade this summer. We went out to live at our friends house in Stillwater for 8 weeks which turned into 12 weeks, but so many new things happened for all of us. Kade learned his animals, we saw deer and rabbits almost every day, we saw the occasional eagle, heard and saw loons, saw some quail, turkey, pheasants and lots of fish. We went swimming at the lake and he played endlessly at the shore with sticks and rocks and puddles and mommy at his side. He loves the water, and even tho we have to be very careful about his ears not getting wet, he did great with his life jacket and seemed to call the wildlife to him. Fish came to watch him and follow him, Loons came within 30 feet of us and even with him yelling LOON, LOON, they didn't seem to mind us at all. He was great hiking on the trail out to the lake, a little too into mushrooms if you ask me.
He learned to climb up and down stairs at this house. He became so good I took off the barriers the last few weeks we were there. Our friends also had a pot rack hanging from their kitchen ceiling and it became his obsession. Kade woke up saying "pots, pans, colander, pots, pans, colander..." he loved to stand on the island and swing them around when i had the time to hold him. He was overjoyed if i took one down and let him play with it on the carpet. He got very good at the rules that were created for his pots and pan toy time. Anything to touch, hold, lift, turn, drum, or "cook" with one of those pots or pans. He loved the lids too. We took wooden spoons and lined the pots up and made a drum set and he played as long as he could.
The only thing that would get him more excited than a pot or a pan was a book. The cutest thing Todd and I just loved seeing him do was to bring us a book and then settle his butt down to be read to. He might sit on you, or next to you, or on the floor, but the wiggle and the seriousness of the act was the most adorable thing we could ever imagine. He would read at least 4-5 books on waking, 2-3 before nap, and 3-4 before bed. We only brought 20 books with us, my parents bought a few, and i ended up buying more while we were there, but he never got sick of any of them, he loved variety, but he also had his favorites. We have tried to keep up this love, by reading when we wake up, before nap and always before bed, but it seems there is less time than our country life, or things are just moving faster as he's growing bigger and smarter everyday.
Country life was great for the great outdoors. We spent a lot of time outside on the land and taking walks in the area. As time went on, i could trust him to stay in the yard and watch him from inside as i did dishes or got lunch ready. I think this gave him some excellent independent time and a wonderful sense of exploring and playing on his own. He really loves digging around and playing in nature. We hope to always create that space in our lives even living such an urban lifestyle.
Back at home, since we were in house construction anyway, I added a pot rack to our kitchen, which looks great, frees up some cupboard space and has turned my son into a raging chef! He talks about cooking all the time. He has his own set of pots and pans now, utensils, a little oven and wooden fruits and vegetables, and since this grande present he plays with it morning and afternoon, basically most of his waking hours.
Since moving home the airport had switched their landing pattern and they go over our house and Todd's parents house, so airplanes have also become a mighty favorite thing to listen for, talk about and look for when half a chance. So of course i bought him a little airplane too. His second favorite toy.
Tupperware and puzzles also top the list. Its fun to see him try to fit things together and watch the wheels turn when things work or don't work.
He loves our new staircase at home and i love that i feel comfortable with him climbing up and down it. We've adjusted right back into city life, the most grateful thing is our short commutes to work and school and Grandparents house! Our house is fantastic and we are now setting up the old guest room for our second son, Tyler who is due very, very soon.
I keep telling Kade the reason we are having Tyler is because he has made us so happy, our lives are so filled with love, we hope to create a happy family for him to grow up in. He seems to get it, and he'll give my belly a pat, or a hug or a kiss, and say Tyler! And he knows it makes me happy so he does it again.
That's my sweet son and a little of our summer of love.